Guia Twisted Metal 3 (inglés)

   4     Easter Egg Codes (Cheat Passwords):

   R1       R1       L1       L1       L1          a) Super Napalm
   L1       L1       R1       R1       R1          b) Infinite Specials
   Up       Down     Up       Down     Up          c) Homing Rain Missiles
   Left     Left     Left     Right    Right       d) Minion
   Right    Right    Right    Left     Left        e) Sweet Tooth
   L1       Square   X        R1       Start       f) God Mode
   Start    Start    Start    Start    Start       g) Save Settings
   Triangle Circle   Up       Right    Down        h) Infinite Ammo
   Triangle Left     Down     Right    Up          i) Smart Seekers
   Triangle Circle   Down     Left     Up          j) Massive Force
   Triangle Up       Circle   Right    Start       k) 99 Freeze Missiles
   Left     Right    Left     Right    Up          l) Giant Ricochets
   Start    Start    L1       L1       L1          m) Only Napalms
   Start    R1       L1       Start    Start       n) Only Homing Missiles
   Start    L1       Start    L1       Start       o) Only Power Missiles
   L1       R1       Start    Start    L1          p) Only Remote Bombs
   Down     L1       Down     Start    Triangle    q) CPU ignores Healths
   Select   L1       Select   Start    Circle      r) No Healths
   L1       Start    Start    Start    R1          s) No Full Healths
   Select   Select   R2       L2       Start       t) No Item Pickups
   Up       Up       X        X        Up          u) Icy Grounds
   L1       R1       L1       R1       R1          v) Relentless CPU
   X        Circle   Circle   Circle   Circle      w) 0 enemies in Deathmatch
   Left     Square   Square   Square   Left        x) Sexy Flower Power

      Note A:        Napalm Shoots Higher and Further.
      Note B:        Activated when you die, quit, or beat the first level.
      Note C:        Rain Missiles home in, then detonate.
      Note D+E:      Activates characters for ALL modes.
      Note F:        Cannot die except in Tokyo Fan, or Blimp Clouds.
      Note G:        Saves items in all settings menus only, no cheats saved.
      Note I:        Missiles that track their targets will be enhanced.
      Note J:        When a weapon hits your car or the CPU cars, the strength
                     of the hit will be significantly stronger.
      Note K:        Puts 99 Freeze Missiles in the inventory at each round.
                     Works like a freeze but does not drain the special bar.
                     The icon is identical to the Power Missile, except for
                     the "FREEZE" caption.
      Note M-P:      The "Only XXXXX" means the all weapon pickups will be
                     replaced with the XXXXX.  Hence, "Only Napalm" means
                     the only pickups will be Napalms.
      Note Q:        CPU-controlled cars will ignore health power-ups.  Does
                     NOT affect CPU Ally.
      Note V:        All CPU cars will relentlessly attack player cars.
      Note W:        Enables 0 enemies in Deathmatch Mode.  (Play Alone)
                     Useful for learning the levels.
      Note X:        When choosing your character, go into the INFO screen
                     for a very revealing Zoom-In Shot of Flower Power.
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   5.1   Character Statistics Table:

      Name           Armor    Weapon   Speed    Handling    Special

      Auger          4        4        1        Sluggish    Drill
      Axel           3        3        2        Sluggish    Shockwave
      Club Kid       2        3        2        Tight       Vortex
      Firestarter    2        3        4        Tight       Flamethrower
      Flower Power   2        3        2        Tight       Flower of Power
      Mr. Grimm      1        5        4        Tight       Screaming Soul
      Hammerhead     3        3        1        Sluggish    Stomp
      Minion         5        5        4        Average     Quad-Missiles
      Outlaw         2        3        4        Average     Omni Taser
      Roadkill       3        3        3        Tight       Spike Bomb
      Spectre        1        3        5        Average     Ghost Missile
      Sweet Tooth    4        4        2        Sluggish    Flaming Head
      Thumper        3        3        3        Average     Sonic Blast
      Warthog        4        3        2        Sluggish    Patriot Missiles

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   5.2   Weapon and Armor Classes Table:

     This is a short table which, essentially, tells you if you have a
     Class _ Weapon it will do __ Points of Damage to an _ Class Armored
     Enemy.  Remember, this is the ideal and may not be too accurate.

                                    Weapon Class:

                            #    3    |   4    |    5    #
                        1   #    8    |   23   |   34    #
                        2   #    7    |   18   |   27    #
     Armor Class:    -------#---------+--------+---------#
                        3   #    6    |   15   |   22    #
                        4   #    5    |   12   |   19    #
                        5   #    4    |   11   |   14    #

     As the attacker the Weapon Classes were as follows:
          Class III (3)            Flower Power
          Class IV  (4)            Auger
          Class V   (5)            Minion

     As the Enemies for Armor Classes were as follows:
          Class I   (1)            Spectre
          Class II  (2)            Flower Power
          Class III (3)            Roadkill
          Class IV  (4)            Auger
          Class V   (5)            Minion

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   6     Advanced Attacks

     Freeze         -    LEFT   RIGHT  UP
     Jump           -    UP     UP     LEFT
     Rear Attack    -    LEFT   RIGHT  DOWN
     Invisibility   -    UP     DOWN   LEFT   RIGHT

      Note:  These must be during a battle.  A better explanation of
             these moves is in the TM3 instruction manual, Page 17.

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   8     Hidden Levels

   Up      Up      Up      Left    Left           a)  Warehouse
   Square  Square  Square  Left    Left           b)  Warehouse II
   Left    Left    Left    Square  Square         c)  Club Kid's House

     Note:     These codes must be enterd at the password screen and then
               you go into DEATHMATCH mode, NOT TOURNAMENT mode.  Choose
               your car, and you're there.
     Note A:   It will load the level that you see in the intro which has
               no Health, no Turbos and no Powerups.
     Note B:   It will load the same level as the above, except that this
               version of the level contains Health, Powerups, Ramps, etc.
     Note C:   On 4 different walls, you can see "Club Kid's House", a neon
               smiley face, "Richochet Heaven", and a neon angry face.  The
               Disco Ball generates Lightning, and you cannot get out of the
               range of it, but neither can anyone else.  There is only one
               of each common powerup.

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   9     Hidden Weapons

     Trick #1:      8 Specials
     Level   :      Hangar 18
     How     :      Destroy the control panels and enter the teleporter.
                    Find the UFO and shoot it.  A simple bullet will do.
                    When it blows up, be careful not to be near it as it
                    flying shrapnel can not only harm your car, but enemy
                    cars as well.

     Trick #2:      Hidden Weapon - "Spaceship"
     Level   :      Hangar 18
     How     :      Destroy the control panels and enter the teleporter.
                    Once you are up, turn immediately to the left and go
                    down the ramp and turn left again at the wall.  Enter
                    the teleporter, turn around, shoot the glass dome and
                    look for a weapon pickup.  This weapon is a lightning
                    powerup with four sources on the UFO, it works best on
                    cars near the UFO, and they must be BELOW it.

     Trick #3:      Hidden Weapon - "Radar"
     Level   :      Tokyo
     How     :      You've seen that huge satellite that tracks people, and
                    it is actually a weapon.  On that particular rooftop,
                    look for a jump ramp over the lava to a higher building.
                    Take this ramp at 100+ MPH or take Lava Soup.  Go up an
                    upramp to another jump.  Take this one again at 100+ MPH
                    or you will fall short.  You should now be on top of a
                    store that is next to the radar.  See that little radar
                    powerup?  Back to the edge of the rooftop and hold turbo.
                    You should catch it.  Now, the radar will fire at whoever
                    it is pointing at when you activate it.  The beam cannot
                    go through buildings, and it is not terribly accurate on
                    airborne enemies.

     Trick #4:      Hidden Weapon - "Eye"
     Level   :      Egypt
     How     :      Find the Pyramid.  There should be a tomb lying up on
                    the front.  Shoot it until it explodes.  Enter the down
                    ramp and you will see another Tomb on a wall.  Shoot this
                    tomb, too.  It will blow up, revealing a teleporter.  Go
                    into the teleporter and pick up the little pyramid.  It
                    is a little bomb that causes a giant beam from the former
                    top of the big pyramid to shoot the little one with the
                    effect of a Remote Bomb and a Napalm.  It works best on
                    frozen opponents.

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   10    Nifty Things to Destroy

     Level     :    Hollywood
     Item      :    Hollywood Sign
     How       :    Get on the ramp next to it and shoot napalm at it.

     Level     :    Washington D.C.
     Item      :    Statues
     How       :    Most weapons will destroy the statues, revealing a full
                    health and a remote bomb.

     Level     :    Hangar 18
     Item      :    Wall
     How       :    Find the wall with a "002" on it.  Turn left from the
                    control panel and shoot at the area with a crack in it.
                    This leads to a teleporter with a few weapons.

     Level     :    Hangar 18
     Item      :    Control Panels
     How       :    To get the teleporter in the UFO find the flashing red
                    control panels and shoot out all four to unblock the
                    laser beams.

     Level     :    Hangar 18
     Item      :    Flying Ship
     How       :    Once through the above teleporter, look for a flying
                    UFO.  Shooting it with anything gains you 8 specials
                    and it also will harm anyone under the exploding UFO.

     Level     :    Hangar 18
     Item      :    Glass Dome
     How       :    Once through the UFO teleporter, turn left and go down
                    the ramp, turn left at the end, hit the telpeorter and
                    turn around, destroy the glass dome, and get a powerup.

     Level     :    North Pole
     Item      :    Multiple
     How       :    I'm not going one by one, so I will mention what blows
                    up here:  Trees, Igloo, Totem Pole, Fences, Santa's
                    Houses, Giant Pole, Snowman, and a Log Cabin.

     Level     :    London
     Item      :    Big Ben
     How       :    Most generic straight-shooting powerups or machine guns
                    will work when aimed using the ramp, just get up it, and
                    don't go over the top of it.

     Level     :    London
     Item      :    Pillar
     How       :    There is a pillar past an arch.  Shoot it for a Remote.

     Level     :    London
     Item      :    Statues
     How       :    There are two (2) statues in this level.  Shoot them
                    for weapons.

     Level     :    London
     Item      :    Walls
     How       :    There is a wall with a Closed sign or something.  You
                    can shoot it for a hidden passage.  There are 2
                    entrances to this part.

     Level     :    Tokyo
     Item      :    Fan
     How       :    Most weapons will blow it up, but once it blows up,
                    enemies will not go over it.  Try luring them on, then
                    blowing it up.

     Level     :    Tokyo
     Item      :    Tower
     How       :    There is a tower on the Full Health (Bright Gray) Roof
                    top.  Look for a tower.  Blow it up and you can get a

     Level     :    Tokyo
     Item      :    Walls
     How       :    On the building to get the radar you can shoot down a
                    sign and a garage type thing.  Again, most weapons will
                    do here.

     Level     :    Egypt
     Item      :    Sphinx
     How       :    Aim a weapon to shoot straight at the Sphinx's Face.
                    You will get the REAL face those Egyptians carved.

     Level     :    Egypt
     Item      :    Pyramid
     How       :    Shoot the tomb outside the pyramid to get in.  Shoot the
                    tomb inside to get on top.  Shoot the fireplace inside
                    to get a teleporter-type drop to get to the other.

     Level     :    Egypt
     Item      :    Pillar
     How       :    Shoot the door to get downstairs.  Shoot the pillar to
                    get a Lightning powerup.  Source is the pharoah's face

     Level     :    Calypso's Blimp
     Item      :    Cargo
     How       :    Almost any weapon can be used to blow up the boxes in
                    the cargo bay.  The cargo contains health, weapons, etc.

     Level     :    Calypso's Blimp
     Item      :    Walls
     How       :    Blow up the walls that say "Closed" to get to a blue
                    room so you can take out a panel, get health, lightning,
                    and missiles.

     Level     :    Calypso's Blimp
     Item      :    Control Panels
     How       :    This is Calypso's Regenerator.  Shoot out the four
                    control panels in the generally downstairs area and
                    the final which you must have destroyed the other four
                    to get to.  They are:  2 in the Cloud Room, 1 in the
                    Cargo Room, 1 in the Blue Room, wiht the Final one in
                    the Red Room upstairs.  It is guarded by lasers that get
                    knocked out as you destroy the other 4 control panels.

     Level     :    Warehouse II
     Item      :    Cargo
     How       :    Just shoot all the boxes you see.  Two reveal ramps and
                    the others reveal weapon pickups.  The ramps go up to
                    the spiral jump.

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   12    Semi-Ambush Points

      In Twisted Metal 1 and 2, you were able to hide or remain in a
      certain place and kill enemies from there.  Well, now the enemies
      are much smarter.  Here are some points where you can remain
      partly safe.

            Level :  Hollywood
            Place :  The ledge after jumping off the highest ramp

            Level :  Washington D.C.
            Place :  None

            Level :  Hangar 18
            Place :  On top of UFO, in hidden teleporter room.

            Level :  North Pole
            Place :  None

            Level :  London
            Place :  Inside Buckingham Palace Warp, hidden passage.

            Level :  Tokyo
            Place :  Inside edge of blown-up fan, on roof facing radar
                     pickup, helicopter landing pad.

            Level :  Egypt
            Place :  Top of blown-up pyramid.

            Level :  Blimp
            Place :  None

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   13    Lightning Power Sources

     Ever get confused about where that lightning is coming from, and
     where it reaches to?  Here's some general areas.

     North Pole:
     Santa's Workshop has to have been blown up to get the powerup, so
     you see a present with a flasher on top.  There's the source.  It
     can reach all over the island, onto the ramp to the island, the area
     near the pit's ramp and a bit past it, and down into the most of the
     pit nearest the present.

     Downstairs in the giant temple you will see a pharoah's face.
     That is the source and it reaches generally only to the circular
     room and a little bit into the passage.

     Calypso's Blimp:
     Upstairs the source cannot be seen easily, but it can be felt.  It
     reaches downstairs to the nearer halves of the Cloud Room and Cargo
     Bay, down the two passages a ways, and most of upstairs.  To avoid
     it, get into the Red Room, the Blue Room, the corners of upstairs, of
     to the back halves of the Cloud Room and Cargo Bay.  Can be seen in
     "ceiling" of Main Room at the top center.

     Club Kid's House:
     The disco ball is the source and there is no escape.  The lightning
     powerup, curiously gives you 3 instead of 2 shots.

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