Guia Twisted Metal 4 (Inglés)

     Combo Attacks                                          5-2

      These attacks require precision timing of hitting buttons,
     although often you are forgiven for delays.  The only
     exception is the Massive Attacks, which I find to only work
     well when I use a thumb on up and the other on down and tap
     fairly quickly.

        Freeze Burst                                   5-2-1
              Keys:  Left   Right  Up     Up
              Cost:  40
           This is a homing weapon which does quite minimal
           damage because the main purpose is to stop a car
           not mass destruction.

        Rear Freeze                                    5-2-2
              Keys:  Left   Right  Down   Down
              Cost:  40
           This is identical to above, but fires out the
           back of the cars, good if you're being chased
           by some relentless car.

        Rear Attack                                    5-2-3
              Keys:  Right  Left   Down   Down
              Cost:  10
           This fires the currently chosen weapon out of
           the car backwards.  It is equivalent to hitting
           the fire button once.  Don't waste it on the
           loader/crusher-type weapons, the remote or
           proximity weapons, the omni-directional weapons
           nor the forced front weapons (like Drag Queen's)

        Teleport                                       5-2-4
              Keys:  Up     Up     Down   Down
              Cost:  40
           This returns you to the central area of the ring,
           which mean you can't get into secret areas using
           it, but is still very useful for getting out of
           weapons like Trash Man's, or if you're falling to
           your death.  Additionally, you can get out of
           range of most attacks sent your way.  Bonus:  You
           can confuse your friends better than the CPU.

        Invisibility                                   5-2-5
              Keys:  Down   Down   Up     Up
              Cost:  40
           This cloaks you visually but not from radar.  The
           AI here actually acts like it cannot see you as a
           bonus.  In a 2/3/4 player match, a friend has to
           look at your screen to find where you are.

        Jump                                           5-2-6
              Keys:  Up     Up     Right
              Cost:  10
           If you have no real idea what this does, you need
           to remember this one has been around (as the
           trampoline-thing) since the first game and is
           indispensable to avoid homing weapons, jump over
           enemy vehicles or barriers, or just get a slightly
           better firing angle.

        Massive Attack                                 5-2-7
              Keys:  Up     Down   Up     Down   Up
              Cost:  99
           This launches 7 missiles, all of which but one
           home in, the effect is the enemy is frozen and
           hit for massive damage, hence the name massive
           attack, but remember, nothing like Freeze or
           Shield or even Teleport will be effective for a

        Rear Massive Attack                            5-2-8
              Keys:  Up     Down   Up     Down   Down
              Cost:  99
           The same as above, but fires backwards.

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      Cheat Codes ........................................... 9

         I'd like to start off this section by saying that I
         think the cheats were really unnecessary in this game,
         since I beat it in the first tournament I ever played,
         with Pizza Boy, one of the hardest, save Microblast.
         Of course, that's easy mode.  Cream Puff mode.  :)
         I haven't dared try medium until I'm more expert.  I
         write a FAQ and I still dare not past Cream Puff mode.

            Passwords                                    9-1

      Circle   Start    Left     L1       Start      (a) No Health/Weapons
      Down     R1       Down     Start    Circle     (b) No Health Pickups
      Right    Triangle Right    Triangle L1         (c) CPU targets P1-P4
      R1       Right    Left     R1       Up         (d) Homing Missiles
      Down     Down     Circle   L1       Left       (e) Power Missiles
      Up       Right    Down     L1       Triangle   (f) Remote Bombs
      Right    Left     R1       Right    Circle     (g) Napalms
      Down     Left     L1       Left     Right      (h) God Mode
      Triangle L1       Down     Triangle Up         (i) Specials Reload 
      Left     Triangle Right    Right    Left       (j) Level: Neon City
      Start    Start    Down     Circle   L1         (k) Level: Road Rage
      L1       Right    Left     Left     L1         (l) Level: The Bedroom
      Circle   L1       Start    L1       Start      (m) Level: Amazonia
      Start    Left     Up       Start    Circle     (n) Level: The Oil Rig
      Start    R1       Left     R1       R1         (o) Level: Minion's 
      Circle   Left     Down     R1       L1         (p) Level: The Carnival
      Down     R1       Right    R1       L1         (q) Char: Crusher
      Start    Triangle Right    L1       Start      (r) Char: Moon Buggy
      Circle   Triangle Start    Circle   Left       (s) Char: S. Thumper
      Up       Down     Left     Start    Right      (t) Char: RC Car
      Up       Right    Down     Up       L1         (u) Char: S. Axel
      Left     Circle   Triangle Right    Down       (v) Char: S. Auger
      Right    L1       Start    Circle   Start      (w) Char: S. Slamm
      Triangle L1       L1       Left     Up         (x) Char: Minion
      Start    R1       Right    Right    Left       (y) Char: Sweet Tooth
      Down     Triangle Down     L1       R1         (z) Icy Grounds
      Down     Down     Right    Right    Down       (!) Undet - 2P + Ally
      Up       Start    Circle   R1       Left       (@) Semi-Massive Force
      R1       L1       Down     Start    Down       (#) High Trajectories

         (d)-(g)  All weapon pickups are of weapon listed
         (h)      Doesn't protect from falling to death
         (i)      Special weapon recharges faster
         (j)-(p)  Starts tournament at level selected by password
         (q)-(y)  Unlocks characters for play in ALL modes
         (!)      Undetermined - Supposedly should do as listed.
         (@)      Effect from weapons that send enemies up in the
                  air is magnified.
         (#)      Weapons with trajectory (mortars, etc.) go farther.

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     Nifty Things to Blow Up ............................... 10

      Everything that is listed here is what I can recall from
      memory, but some things, like exploding barrels, are not
      listed.  If you have something you would like to add and
      it is verifiable by me, send me an e-mail.

      Construction Yard
         False Blockades
            Set up around the level, these guard various ramps,
            they can be shot down, or ran through with no ill
            effect.  One leads to a ramp to a jump on the left
            of a building with 3 jumps.  The teleporter ahead
            brings you to the area near the false wall.
            Aim at the side of the crane (the longer side) and
            fire to blow up the entrance to it.  You can now
            use it to your own devious will.
         False Wall
            On the right side of the area that has no way to get
            to the top of (the teleport-to-only area) about 3 car
            lengths from the end, shoot the wall to reveal an area
            with various power-ups in it.
            Above the area with the false wall is a way in from
            above.  Just shoot the vent from on top.  It's much
            easier than from the bottom, and you can't jump out
            of the area through where it was.
         Building 1
            A few small trailers guard a MIRV hidden inside.
         Building 2
            A few small trailers conceal a Power, Napalm and Mortar.

      Neon City
            Yes, the train can be destroyed, and best with a couple
            of proximity mines or a remote placed on the tracks.  Just
            don't get hit by it.  In the tunnel, if it still is running,
            hug the walls TIGHTLY.
            The glass on the jump to the health and Auto Lab can be run
            through or shot.
         False Wall
            The wall to the left inside the above location can be blown
            up for access to the platform on which you will be picked up
            by the hover transport.
            The glass to the right of where the transport drops you off
            can be destroyed with a single bullet.
            Turn right again.  More glass.  Follow procedure above.

      Road Rage
         False Wall 1
            To the right of a speed arrow is a wall with cracks in it.
            Shoot it.  Access lightning.  Just don't stay there when you
            activate the lightning.
         False Wall 2
            On the other side of this passage, from the intersection of
            the four roads two going up and down, is the other broken
         False Wall
            Across the road from a road going down is a wall with a glass
            window in it.  Blow up wall.  Blow up window.  Get many nice
            powerups like Full Health.

      The Bedroom
         Gas Cans
            Scattered around the room in about 3 places are big boxes
            labeled "Gasoline."  Blow them up.
            If you didn't read the level clue, shoot this up for a
            while for a lightning power-up.  The sources are the
            power sockets and the center of the floor.  Some of the
            hidden area is safe, mainly the small area with Full
            Health, Auto Lobs, and Rain 2.
         Small Blockade
            There's a small black box in the area with the only level
            portal.  A couple speed missiles will do the trick to get
            to the secret area mentioned above.

      Amazonia 3000 B.C.
         False Wall
            To a secret area, a false wall is in the deep area to the
            left of the bouce pad.  The wall is in a corner in the
            direction of the temple with the pillar of light with the
            bounce pad on your right.

      The Oil Rig
            The glass on the left side of the room next to the drill
            can be broken.  Don't jump through it, or you'll probably
            end up falling to your death.
            The glass on the right side can also be blown up.  See
            There's a gate on the alternate road instead of the silo
            on the bottom level.  The first one can be blown up.
            The second one can be blown up, too.
            The glass guarding the bottom teleporter on the silo can
            be broken.
            The glass on the other teleporter inside the silo can also
            be broken.
         False Gate
            The small gate leading up from the central area towards the
            helipad can be broken
         False Fence
            Also the fence to the left of it.
         False Fence
            Also the fence to the right of the gate.
         False Fence
            Don't forget the fence under the ramp to the room next to
            the drill.

      Minion's Maze
            There's one gate going down to the ultimate power-up area.
            Here's another one going downstairs.
            I'm seeing a pattern here.
            Okay, the last one.  All 4 are made to look similar to
            walls and are near ramps for the most part.

      The Carnival
         Front Entrance
            The door can't be blown up.  The next best thing or two?
            Mortar, Napalm, Remotes and Just plain jumping about twice
            should collapse the floor in front of the doors.
         Side Entrance
            There's a big brown box on the wall.  Go right up next to
            the wall so the tent is to your right and you are facing
            the box.  The floor there is false.  Jump or follow above
         False Wall
            There's a wall that is at the end of the tunnel from above.
            It's the alternate entrance to the funhouse that few CPU
            players understand.
         False Wall
            To the extreme left once you enter the funhouse, there's a
            false wall leading to a small tunnel with 2 exploding
         False Wall
            The end of the tunnel above has no light until you shoot
            this down.
         Roller Toaster
            This can also be blown up.  It SEEMS to follow the inside
            track, but I'm not sure if you can avoid it on the outside
            track to avoid getting hit by it.  Follow same strategy
            for blowing up the train in Neon City.
         False Door/Wall
            The door to the circus tent is protected by this wall which
            is quickly broken.  It's guarded by the exploding barrels.
         False Door/Wall
            The door to the portrait room is blocked by this and 2
            exploding barrels, and there's another barrel in the center
            of the room.
         The Portraits
            Okay, you're in the portrait room, but where are the
            portraits?  Fire directly into the center for one.  Fire
            about halfway between that and each wall to reveal two
            more, then fire near the center of the side walls for the
            last 2.  Not particularly useful, but cute.

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